
25000 LE300 sold worldwide

25000 LE300 sold worldwide India, Panama, New Zealand, Italy, Germany and many other countries: The LE300 Smart Battery System has become a well-known product internationally. A product whose popularity continues to grow. And so we are now already celebrating the first 25 thousand modules sold. Or also: 8.2 megawatt hours of LE300 installed in motor […]

Together against COVID-19

People, Planet Profit – never before has our company slogan been as relevant as now, in times of COVID-19. Our core motivation in BOS is to help people live better lives, protecting the environment and strengthening economies at the same time.
And more than ever we want to do this with you, as partners, giving each other strength. Together we can get through this situation. And the best is: We can do this by helping others getting through it.
In BOS we keep up our work. We have developed the following action packages.

Power Storage in Honduras

An article about our major Honduras project appeared in the latest issue of the environmental magazine of the VDI Fachmedien. There you can read how it all began, which hurdles had to be overcome and what was finally achieved. BOS now supplies remote hotels and town halls on paradisiacal islands in Honduras with hybrid storage systems. On the Bay Islands, “HS business 10” storage units have been installed and provide a reliable power supply. With the support of dena (German Energy Agency) in the RES (renewalbe energy solutions) programme, we are helping to take one of the least electrified regions in Latin America a step further and thus to promote the economy and development.
Info: The article is in German.

Free FM radio interview with CEO Benjamin Seckinger

Profit is important for a company, but in order to move forward in a meaningful way, the aspects People and Planet must be taken into account and optimized equally.

Our CEO Benjamin Seckinger tells in a radio interview with Free FM how he wants to turn a business idea into a real sustainable change. Listen to the whole interview (the interview is in German) from the show “Lokaltermin” with radio presenter Lotte Stevens

German Innovation Award 2019

We congratulate our partner Hymer on winning the German Innovation Award 2019 in the “Excellence in Business to Business” category. The HYMER-Smart-Battery-System convinced the jury as a innovative solution for energy storage in leisure vehicles. The batteries enable “weight saving of at least 5 kg with almost double the capacity “, according to the jury. A unique solution in which energy is stored in both lithium and lead acid batteries and their load distribution is intelligently regulated. The BOS Lithium Extension Batteries LE300 modules are the main component of the HYMER-Smart-Battery-System.

BOS AG: Myanmar Li + Pb Mini-Grid

BOS AG (Balance of Storage Systems AG) are a supplier of products and services for off-grid energy solutions. Based in Neu-Ulm near Munich in Germany and founded in 2014, the aim of this young company is to become a leader in decentralised energy supply. Their focus is on Li-Pb (lithium-lead) hybrid charging technology for solar systems which support intelligent load management. As BOS use Victron Energy products in their systems it was good to hear from one of their staff and to gain insight into how Victron products are integrated into their solutions. My thanks to Bob Hopman of Victron Energy for making me aware of this project. Here then is a guest blog, by Veeresh Anehosur of BOS, about a mini-grid on Kenti island in the Mergui Archipelago.

Sailboat Windzang

Because of the LE300 hybrid system, Peter Reinmann is able to enjoy longer trips on the water without returning for recharge.

HYMER-Smart-Battery-System won Golden Auto Bild 2018


HYMER-Smart-Battery-System was awarded with one of the most prestigious award of the German leading automobile magazine AUTO BILD. In the category “best accessory novelty 2018” HYMER-Smart Battery-System won the editorial award of the Golden Auto Bild 2018.The award ceremony was held at the Caravan Salon 2018 in Dusseldorf (-02.09.2018). We congratulate and are thrilled about this special prize.

With the HYMER Smart Battery System you will experience more self-sufficiency, due to state-of-the-art lithium batteries which combines cost effective standard lead acid batteries. Our BOS Lithium Extension Battery LE300 is main component of the system.